Please consider sponsoring the 3rd Annual Racines Black Dance Festival or purchasing an ad.
Sponsorship Opportunities
$5,000: LEADER – 10 tickets to performance, 10 tickets to panel presentation; name listed in event signage, newsletter and program book; inside cover or back page ad in program book.
$2,000: ORGANIZER – 8 tickets to performance, 8 tickets to panel presentation; name listed in event signage, newsletter and program book; includes full-page ad in program book.
$1,500: ACTIVIST – 4 tickets to performance, 4 tickets to panel presentation; name listed in event signage, newsletter and program book; includes half-page ad in program book.
$1,000: ALLY – 2 tickets to performance, 2 tickets to panel presentation name listed in event signage, newsletter and program book; includes quarter-page ad in program book
$500: ADVOCATE – name listed in event signage, newsletter and program book; includes quarter-page ad in program book
$250: FRIEND – name listed in event signage, newsletter and program book; includes eighth-page ad in program book
Program Book Advertisements
$2,000: Full-page Ad
$1,500: Half-page Ad
$500: Quarter-page Ad
$250: Eighth-page Ad
To support the 2019 Racines Black Dance Festival or purchase an ad, please complete the attached form and submit payment via paypal at
Sponsorship Form
Questions? Baindu Conté-Coomber at (415) 529-0198 or
Racines is a fiscally sponsored project of JAARA, INC a 501(3) Non-profit.